Council on Anthropology and Education. Records


Council on Anthropology and Education. Records

Founded in 1968, the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE) in stimulating scholarship on education in social and cultural contexts. The Records document the CAE's founding and early activities.



SNAC Resource ID: 6637378

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Wax, Murray Lionel, 1922- (person)

American anthropologist and sociologist specializing in Native American education. During the 1960's Wax (Ph. D Univ. of Chicago, 1959) and his wife and colleague Rosalie Hankey Wax directed a study of Oglala Sioux education at the Pine Ridge Reservation, S.D., an Indian Education Research Project that studied rural and urban education among the Oklahoma Cherokee, and other projects. Wax taught at Emory, The Univ. of Kansas, and Washington Univ. in St. Louis. Rosalie Han...

Council on Anthropology and Education (corporateBody)

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